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Agile Scrum and Kanban Software Development Processes

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There are a number of approaches to software development nowadays. The most popular currently is the agile software development process model. 

Let’s talk about this model for your more profound comprehension of it.

1. Agile Software Development Process Overview. How it works

Agile is not a mere methodology, but a way of thinking and acting. The method gives emphasis to the incremental product crafting by creating a number of MVPs, through continual learning, team collaboration, and planning. The designed MVPs go through a certain number of iterations, each of which gets feedback. The feedback is taken into consideration and the necessary alterations are implemented until the MVP is considered final. 

Agile is a certain mindset of principles, which is all about transparency, research, and adaptation. The requirements, as well as solutions, emerge in the process of interaction between the cross-functional teams working on the project and result in faster value delivery to the consumers. Besides, the business approach aligns the process of software development with the necessities of the users and the corporate objectives of the client. 

In fact, Agile development is any product crafting process held in accordance with the concepts of the Agile Manifesto. They were put in place by a group of 14 software industry leaders. It claims, that individuals and collaborations prevail over tools and procedures.

  • Operating software is more important than extensive paperwork. 
  • Customer cooperation dominates over agreement negotiation. 
  • Reacting to change is more significant than keeping to a plan. 

So the benefits of agile methodology in digital solutions crafting are manifold:

  • The client gets a contractor responsive to his requirements and requests. 
  • The vendor can focus on high-quality features and lessen time-to-market through enhanced efficiency. He gets consumers’ feedback faster and adjusts the product to meet their needs promptly.
  • The developers can cut their non-productive activities by giving up issuing the unnecessary specifications or dealing with other redundant items and enjoy the work they really like. 
  • The product managers can easily ensure the process of development is aligned with the customers’ needs and re-prioritize tasks to guarantee all-out value provision. 
  • Project managers can enjoy simpler and more detailed planning and progress tracking through the usage of special charts, and daily meetings. It also allows handling issues swiftly due to their quick catching. 
  • PMOs and executives of different levels can enjoy visibility for better and more effective planning and strategy adjustments.

2. Scrum and Kanban Agile Software Development Processes. What to choose?

There are several Agile subsets and developers often use the 2 most popular – Scrum and Kanban. 

Agile scrum software development process procedures are special due to the specific notions and practices – Roles, Artifacts, and Time Boxes. Such an approach enhances efficiency considerably and decreases the time of solution creation through work arrangements in small manageable pieces carried out in sprints – the set time spells (lasting approximately 2-4 weeks). Besides, special roles are prescribed – such as a Product Owner, a Scrum Master, and Team Members. Moreover, a Scrum Board is often used by the project team. It’s a tool helping to visualize the workflow. It’s divided into “stories” -small chunks which are moved from the to-do list “backlog” to the work-in-progress section, and on to completion. 

Another tool facilitating the effectiveness of the agile process in software development is Kanban. The work is also split and Kanban Board serves for visualization. The difference form Scrum methodology in Agile software development process lies in the restrictions existing. In Scrum, it’s time allowed for task completion, in Kanban, it’s the scope of work permitted. Besides, there are no roles strictly set, yet, they may evolve in the process of work. The teams for the Kanban approach should not necessarily be cross-functional, while in Scrum it’s crucial to be such. The Boards used in both approaches are also different. While the workflow states are visualized on each agile software development process diagram, on Scrum board, the emphasis is put on the schedule and the columns reflect time periods, on Kanban board, the columns indicate the maximum stories allowed at any one time. 

Both methodologies are good for large and complex projects since they are focused on unceasing processes and product optimization leading to increased efficiency and quality. Though agile software development process documentation is sacrificed, the visibility of the workflow more than compensates it.

3. How to Start With Agile Process in Software Development?

We should admit that becoming agile is not an overnight process. However, the desire to arrange the work properly and contentedly may add up determination since today the concept of Agile has almost become a must for every developer who is eager to deliver state-of-art products. 

What should be done in the first turn is to get used to splitting big features into minor tasks and releasing them in short iterations. Thus, the progress will be visible to the client and the development team will be able to adjust the product and process to the new evolving requirements and requests. 

The next step of becoming agile is forming the feature teams, better cross-functional so that they are able to provide a feature crafting from the very start to the very finish quite independently. Besides, you should form a proper mindset within the company so that the members realize the necessity to adapt continuously to a fast-changing situation and requirements, be quick and well-coordinated and quick-to-think. 

The agile process in software development should be a combination of short working spells and regression tests. So the proper tools should be adopted for the purpose. With the mobile development Agile approach is a perfect match since the bugs should be removed quickly, features added promptly and release cycles be short not to lose the consumers’ interest in the product.

Wrapping Up

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally which approach is better for the exact project since we decide it individually for each particular case. Axisbits clients can get familiar with both options and choose the one best matching their needs and preferences. 

In our turn, we advise the most suitable and efficient variant, which may at times be a blend of both techniques. Send us your project details, and we’ll review it in the context of the agile approach to software development.

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