HomeCase studiesQR-Powered Tour Website | Industrielle Betriebe Interlaken AG

QR-Powered Tour Website | Industrielle Betriebe Interlaken AG

Web Design

"We want to give everyone a clear, interactive tour of the energy production world."

Developed a mobile platform offering a comprehensive virtual tour of energy production processes.

The logo for ibi irre energye.

Our Approach


Scope Synchronization

Teamed up with the client, grasping the tour essentials.

Experience Craftsmanship

Designed a user-centric interface for an engaging energy tour.

Precision Launch

Thorough device testing guaranteed a universally smooth user experience.

Our Solution

Interactive mobile tour demystifying energy production intricacies.
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Simple Access

Designed for ease, welcoming users of all tech levels.

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Blended Experience

Combined a physical QR tour with a digital experience.

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Historical Dive

Provided insightful backstories on machinery evolution.

The Result

Bridged knowledge gaps, offering enlightening energy sector insights.
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Engaging Exploration

Interactive platform captivated users, making learning fun.

Learning Lift-off

Turned complex topics into easily digestible, engaging content.

Mobile First

Focused exclusively on optimizing for mobile devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

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Ideas to Life

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